Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pink Streak

Weed in Pink

I don't have a 'pink' theme going. Pinky swear! But this weed/bush jumped into my path so I grabbed a quick shot and stumbled on my merry way. I found a really cool walking spot pretty close to home. Arlo loves it! Unfortunately, I probably shouldn't be walking it alone since there was evidence of multiple homeless camps set up. Arlo is worse than useless as a protector, although he might bark if he thought it would gain him a headstart. He doesn't really get the whole 'I'm a great big dog with super big teeth and I'm barking to warn you not to mess with me'. He's more the 'I'm barking in the hope that some big bi-ped will take mercy on me and come save my ass'. Well, he's cute, he doesn't pee on my feet and he's happy with the same damn menu every day.

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