Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Take a Beating Sunday

My teams lost. Totally bummed on both the Padres & Chargers. And I don't want to talk about it any more - it's just too painful. Yeah, I know, dontcha just hate those people whose lives rise and fall with their teams score? Me too. I've become kinked from living in an all male household. Fall Sundays are all day sports fests, broken only by frequent trips to the frig for beer and only slightly less frequent sojourns to the bathroom to expel all that beer. Between games or at a convenient half-time we barbeque then eat in front of the tv with our fingers. We don need no steenkin forks! Ours is a vegetable and carbohydrate-free repast. MEAT. Ribs of every variety, fish, weenies (for all the kids), chicken and of course, no Sunday Game Day is complete without the shrimp appetizer. Every once in a while, as a concession to the women, a bag of chips (carbohydrate!) and a tiny bowl of guacamole (vegetable/fruit!) is thrown on the coffee table as an afterthought. Woohoo!

I'm striving for balance in my life and still looking for my inner girl. But I'm not gonna find it on a Sunday at my house.

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