Thursday, November 02, 2006

Run, Run as fast as you can...from Silent Hill

Just coming down from my coffee/candy high. Whew! Those bite size bars will ruin you; especially the ones that are too little to do more than pop the whole thing in your mouth. Tomorrow when I’m shimmying to pull my pants over my fat ass I will moan and groan about ‘em or when I’m thinking about installing a ‘to go’ pipe from my computer to the bathroom, but while I’m throwing them down I don’t bother to count. It wasn’t till my son said something about the silver Christmas tree I was building with wrapper balls that I even noticed.

I love holidays. All of them. Halloween was a slide this year. No hurrying, no mess of makeup, pins, and wigs strewn everywhere. Mark lit the fire pit so all the witches, Snow Whites, Darth Vaders, Pole Dancers (!), Magicians, etc. could warm themselves while awaiting their fistful of candy, my son manned the candy bowl and off we went to dinner. That’s right! Dinner out on Halloween.

I saw a lot of cute outfits but the Starbucks girl, wearing blue scrubs with random patches of white webbing and sporting a spray bottle at her hip won the prize. She was ‘cloudy skies with a chance of rain’. Yeah, I got ‘rained’ on when I asked her what she was.

With all the kids tucked up in my bed watching Beetlejuice, it was time for FrIgHt. We chose to watch Silent Hill because it looked creepy, properly scary, but not too blood and gorish. Understatement follows: this is a very bad movie. It was scarier watching my neighbor pick his butt than it was watching this woman try to get her child back. From where, you might ask. I don’t know, I would reply. Sorry movie – one of the worst I’ve ever actually sat through. By the end I was ready to suck wrapper balls up my nose just so I could pass out.

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